Software supplier Bonet over 100% Digital: "We have worked extremely hard this year".
Bonet Automatisering started this year off by working to link their software package to Floriday through the API-link. A huge job, which has taken a lot of time and energy, and it still does. In this update, Bonet talks us through their approach, their experience and what they expect to come across in 2021. Read more!
Start 100% Digital
During the very first announcement of 100% Digital, the feeling of ‘seeing then believing’ had the upper hand for us, said Dirk Janssens from Bonet Automatisering. During the second meeting, we realized that 100% Digital was a serious idea, and we suddenly saw a competitor in the auction. After we finally decided to join in this ambition, we worked hard to make the link between our package and Floriday a reality. This turned out to be a huge challenge. During the process, we got introduced to many new terms, standards and other approaches and tried to ensure a smooth communication with our current software package. Luckily, Floriday advised and supported us really well, as well as the ‘slack’-platform. This is a communication platform where we could ask all of our technical questions, to be answered quickly and skilfully (and they still are).
Bonet’s reason to exist
Even though we never doubted it, during the process in our contact with growers, we discovered that our product still has a reason to exist, due to the ease of use and the support. The large majority said that they want to keep working with our software. This is a huge motivator for us to give it our all. Because we are focused on growers who would like to keep their business processes mostly the same, and who are attached to the software they are used to, our starting point was that the Floriday link should be completely integrated into our package, without users ever having to visit the Floriday website.
A huge job
As a result, almost all modules have to be supported by us: catalog, supply, order handling, and clock. A huge job, which by now, is largely behind us. It was hard, and a big investment, but we are proud that we made it a reality. Over the past few weeks, a dozen growers has tested the basics. And as of right now, more than half of our customers are aware of this new update. The growers who exclusively make use of clock trade, will be actively approached during the first quarter of 2021 to switch to the Floriday module. Until then, our focus is with the growers who create connect delivery notes and have to comply with 100% Digital. We expect that this will lead to extra work during the next three months, especially for the support. At the same time, we also expect the software to be developed in such a way before 1 April that the switch will go through without any problem. We have noticed that customers who are already making use of the link are fairly enthusiastic about how smoothly the migration is going.
Tip from Bonet
Our tip for the growers? We have noticed a lot of resistance, both with growers and buyers, but we would still like to mention: It’s coming, look into it, during a quiet period. Try to find the benefits and just start working with it!